Hosting Maven Sites & Repos at Google Code

by Dana H. P'Simer

Sat, Aug 14, 2010

  1. In order to know where the local wiki repo directory is, I needed a property to hold that value and then we would set it in the settings.xml, however I am a fan of not having any external dependencies that could cause the build to fail. So I added this to my POM to set a default:
  1. Next I added the following to my POM to define the distributionManagement settings

The <repository> tag defines where the repo will be stored. The <site> defines where the site will be deployed. These will be in my Hg controlled local repo.

  1. Next, I added this to my settings.xml:

Now, when I do a snapshot build, I can execute mvn deploy site-deploy, commit and push the wiki repo, and the snapshot and site are deployed at the same time.